State Competition 2015 – Results

A big thanks to all those who participated in and supported our state competition. It was our best yet with perfect weather, a great turnout, a solid judging line, a news report, and some cool shirts! In particular, thanks to our sponsors (Aircraft Rental, Genesis Constructions and Awesome Aviation), our experienced judges (Jeremy Miller, Pete Townsend and Cass Moeller), our new judges (Mike Watts, Shannae Terrill), our caterer (Kevin Ridderhoff), our Scorer/Admin (Christophe Hannecart), and RACWA. Big thanks also to Club President David Clemence and the national body, who granted us some money to pay per diems to non-competing contest staff.

We ended up with 14 competitors, all from WA bar DC who again travelled over to have go in the “Joker”. For the first time we ran a full program, including a Sportsman Unknown and 2 Free Unknowns for Advanced – a great learning experience for everyone, and demonstrating that mastering a known sequence is not enough to win a full championship!

The overall winners for each category were:

Dieter Ebeling (Advanced – 60.01%)

Geoffrey McDougall (Sportsman – 70.86%)

Andrew Eldridge (Graduate – 57.86%)

Lewis Newman (Entry – 64.85%)

WA State Comp 2015 Results

The state competition is growing and improving every year, and with continued effort it won’t be long before we’re running the largest and best comps in Australia. 2016 is already shaping up to be a ripper with a probable relocation to Cunderdin, even more members and sponsorship, and some exciting technological developments!