All posts by admin

WA State Competition 2022

Our state competition will be held on Saturday November 26th 2022 at Murrayfield, with the Sunday kept as a spare day in case the Saturday is washed out.

Entry fee will be $100.

Please complete your entry forms using the digital form on this website.

WA State Competition – 2017

Bills Extra at Cunderdin

The committee has voted to move the State Competition to the first half of the year. We now have all the approvals we require from council and the local flying organisations, now we just need some entries!

Dates: April 21st to 23rd, 2017

Location: Cunderdin

First Briefing: 8:30am Friday April 21st

Entry Fee: $FREE (Entry), $150 (Graduate and above)

Entry fee includes a polo shirt and food (breakfast and lunch). Per diems or entry fee waivers are offered to persons taking on staff roles.

Please complete the entry form here.

We’ll need a good idea of numbers by April 1st at the latest for trophy and shirt orders – if we don’t have a minimum number by then the event may be cancelled, or you may miss out on a shirt/trophy.



WA State Comp 2016

Details are now up! This time we’ll be at Cunderdin, over the weekend of October 7th to 9th 2016.

Please complete your entry from as soon as possible, we need a minimum of 10 competitors for a viable competition.

We’re also seeking sponsors – if you’d consider sponsoring the event, please send us an email at



Cunderdin Comp – April 30th-May 1st 2016

Bills Extra at Cunderdin
After a recon/contact trip to Cunderdin a few weeks ago, the committee is going to proceed with a mini competition there at the end of April. Details are below:
Known, Free and Unknown for all categories other than Entry/Graduate.
For those who are interested, we will trial a Super Sportsman challenge flight as an additional sequence to the Sportsman category. It’s an almost-intermediate level sequence with no snap rolls, which should be a bit more challenging that the normal sportsman flying!
Saturday morning may be training and practice, with the comp kicking off after lunch – if you’re going to compete please be there by midday at the latest!
Sunday morning the competition will continue, and we’ll fly home Sunday afternoon.
Soarability (see a section below) have very kindly offered to put people up in their on-field dongers for a nominal cost. It’s $35 for a non-ensuite room, and $55 for an ensuite. Other options potentially available are the agricultural college (also on site) and the pub in town.
Dunn Aviation has a gigantic hangar there that could fit well over a dozen aircraft, and they’re willing to lease it out for the night for a carton of beer. We’d just have to give it a bit of a clean out, it doesn’t get used much so attracts birds and spiders and such.
Soarability have also offered their hangar for any maintenance issues that arise.
The gliding club will have fuel for purchase, we just need to let them know in advance roughly how much we’ll need.

The box is very easily defined, with the 2 cross runways forming the western and southern edges of it. We will for the first time have portable box markers, including T-s and a centre box marker there.
The gliding club has very kindly offered to let us use their facilities over the weekend. They have a big clubroom (complete with drinks fridge and kitchen), and a briefing room with a TV. There are 2 blocks of toilets on the field, one has showers available.


Complete an online Entry Form and pay the entry fee ($50).


State Competition 2015 – Results

A big thanks to all those who participated in and supported our state competition. It was our best yet with perfect weather, a great turnout, a solid judging line, a news report, and some cool shirts! In particular, thanks to our sponsors (Aircraft Rental, Genesis Constructions and Awesome Aviation), our experienced judges (Jeremy Miller, Pete Townsend and Cass Moeller), our new judges (Mike Watts, Shannae Terrill), our caterer (Kevin Ridderhoff), our Scorer/Admin (Christophe Hannecart), and RACWA. Big thanks also to Club President David Clemence and the national body, who granted us some money to pay per diems to non-competing contest staff.

We ended up with 14 competitors, all from WA bar DC who again travelled over to have go in the “Joker”. For the first time we ran a full program, including a Sportsman Unknown and 2 Free Unknowns for Advanced – a great learning experience for everyone, and demonstrating that mastering a known sequence is not enough to win a full championship!

The overall winners for each category were:

Dieter Ebeling (Advanced – 60.01%)

Geoffrey McDougall (Sportsman – 70.86%)

Andrew Eldridge (Graduate – 57.86%)

Lewis Newman (Entry – 64.85%)

WA State Comp 2015 Results

The state competition is growing and improving every year, and with continued effort it won’t be long before we’re running the largest and best comps in Australia. 2016 is already shaping up to be a ripper with a probable relocation to Cunderdin, even more members and sponsorship, and some exciting technological developments!

WA State Comp 2015

…is not far away!

October 9th to 11th 2015 at Murrayfield.

Sportsman and above pilots will be needed for Friday through to Sunday.

Entry and Graduate pilots are welcome to all days but must be at the briefing on Saturday morning at 8am. There is an option for a 3rd flight on Sunday if people can make it!

Find out more information by following this LINK. Entry fee is $100, though first time aerobatics instructors are eligible for the Awesome Aviation sponsorship.

You can now try to submit your entry form using a generic online form HERE.

We have a judging course and training day running Sunday September 20th at Murrayfield too if you’d like to learn more about judging or get some critiquing. Contact the president for more info!


Results – April Practice Comp

Final Scores - April Comp 2015

Better late than never! Here they are…

Big thanks to SABC and Serpentine Airfield for welcoming us to their premise. It was greatly appreciated – the facilities there are tremendous and we had a great weekend of flying!


Welcome to 2015!

If you didn’t see them already, the results for the 2014 State Competition are uploaded here. The year was wrapped up with some “Christmas Unknowns” down at Murrayfield in December, which proved to be quite challenging!

Coming up in 2015:

Australia Day Airshow (January 26th, 2015):

Look out for some of our pilots who will be participating in the Australia Day airshow!

Club AGM (February 8th, 2015?):

Stay tuned for more details!

Valley View Airshow (April 11th, 2015):

Expressions of interest have been requested for the Valley View airshow, located up near Geraldton. If you’d like to do a display or even just come along, contact Geoffrey McDougall at Kelmac Aviation.

WA Autumn Aerobatics Competition (April 18th – 19th, 2015):

Will be held at Serpentine for the first time – go here for details!